'Ä=Ž , Ö=™ , Ü=š ; ä=„ , ö=”, ü= , ß=á ,§=õ , ©=¸ '©2006 by ytwinky, MD #include "vbcompat.bi" Const Esc=!"\27" Var d1=0.0, e=0.0, k=6, n=49, i=0, j=0, s="", z="" Dim Shared As Integer LB=1, UB=6, Tipp(LB To UB) Randomize Timer Function GetTipp(lower As Integer, upper As Integer) As Integer Var t=0, k=0, m=0 Do Do t=CInt(Rnd(1)*10^Len(Str(upper))) Loop Until t>=lower And t<=upper For k=LB To UB m=t=Tipp(k) If m Then Exit For Next Loop Until m=0 Return t End Function Function fak(Zahl As Integer) As Double Var d=1.0 Select Case Zahl Case Is<0 Print "Argument negativ(Zahl=" &Zahl &"), das ist nicht definiert.." End 27 Case 0, 1 Case Else For i As Integer=2 To Zahl d*=i Next i End Select Return d End Function Function nueberk(n As Integer, k As Integer) As Double 'Bartsch, Mathematische Formeln, DDR 1977 Return fak(n)/(fak(k)*fak(n-k)) End Function Sub BubbleSort() Var i=0, j=0 For i=LB To UB For j=LB To UB If Tipp(i)0 Then Print " (OHNE JEDE Gewinngarantie..)" Print "(Eine Gewinnbeteiligung kann nicht erzwungen werden, ist aber erwnscht :rofl:)" End If Print !"\nNoch 'ne Ziehung?(j/n):"; Do z=UCase(InKey) Loop Until InStr("JN" &Esc, z) Print z e=0 Loop Until InStr(!"N" &Esc, z) End