#include "crt.bi" #include "vbcompat.bi" #define ArgC ((*__p___argc())-1) #ifndef False Const False=0, True=Not False #endif #Undef GoTo 'jojo is right, thx ;-)) '+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ '| Header: Evaluating parameters | '| DisplayCheck:|Il1 are Alt-0124, Big i, small L, One ߎę֚񱸩 | Const Author="_new.bas v0.99 2012 by ytwinky, MD"' | '| (Shortcuts: none) | '| Purpose: Template for new files | '|Tested with the latest FB and FBEdit" | '+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 'Beware: regarding the special chars is th first one the console-chr, the second the windows-chr Const CrLf=!"\r\n", Esc=!"\27", Pi=4.0*Atn(1.0), Rho=50.0/Atn(1.0), RhoD=45.0/Atn(1.0) Screen 0:Width 90, 30 Print Author Print "ArgC=" &ArgC Print "False=" &False Print "True=" &True Print "Eniki.."; GetKey 'is better than Sleep, because the keyboardbuffer will be cleared^^ End