'= , = , = ; = , =, = , = ,= , = 'compile this with option -s gui #include once "windows.bi" Declare Function GetFAttr Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetFileAttributesA" _ (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer 'using FileAttr() a file must be opened via Open() with GetFAttr() not necessary Function Ersetze(byVal InString As String) As String Var s=InString, z=!"\n\nSplit %Path% and check it:\n", i=0 While Instr(s, ";") i=InStr(s, ";") z+=*IIF(GetFAttr(Left(s, i-1))<0, @"*MISSING-->", @"There is ") &Left(s, i-1) &!"\n" s=Mid(s, i+1) Wend If s<>"" Then z+=*IIF(GetFAttr(s)<0, @"*MISSING-->", @"There is ") &s Return z End Function Dim As String p=!"Show %Path% :\n" &Environ("Path") &Ersetze(Environ("Path")) MessageBox Null, p, "ChkPath.Bas 31.01.2006 by ytwinky, MD", MB_Ok End