'= , = , = ; = , =, = , = ,= , = '2006 by ytwinky, MD 'Grundlage ist unter anderem auch FindFirstFile von yetifoot #include "windows.bi" #include "vbcompat.bi" 'Width 90,30 'type WIN32_FIND_DATAA ' dwFileAttributes as DWORD ' ftCreationTime as FILETIME ' ftLastAccessTime as FILETIME ' ftLastWriteTime as FILETIME ' nFileSizeHigh as DWORD ' nFileSizeLow as DWORD ' dwReserved0 as DWORD ' dwReserved1 as DWORD ' cFileName as zstring * 260 ' cAlternateFileName as zstring * 14 'end type Dim ffd As WIN32_FIND_DATA Dim hFind As HANDLE Dim FolderName As String Dim As Integer dwError, i Dim As String j Dim systime As SYSTEMTIME Dim localtime As FILETIME 'Input"OrdnerNamen eingeben:", FolderName If FolderName="" Then FolderName="F:\*.*" Cls Print "FileList-Creator 2006 by ytwinky, MD" Print "Ordner ";FolderName Print "DatumZeitAttrGreDateiName" hFind=FindFirstFile(FolderName, @ffd) If hFind=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then Print "Ooops, Ordner nicht gefunden:" Print FolderName GetKey End Else Do If ffd.cFileName<>"." And ffd.cFileName<>".." Then FileTimeToLocalFileTime(@ffd.ftLastWriteTime, @localtime) FileTimeToSystemTime(@localtime, @systime) If Instr(LCase(ffd.cFileName), "bas.php")=0 Then Print "" &Format(systime.wDay, "00") &"." &Format(systime.wMonth, "00") &"." &systime.wYear &""; Print Format(systime.wHour, "00") &":" &Format(systime.wMinute, "00") &""; ' Print Hex(ffd.dwFileAttributes And 255) &""; Print Val("&h" & Hex(ffd.nFileSizeHigh) & Hex(ffd.nFileSizeLow)) &"" &ffd.cFileName &"" i+=1 End If End If Loop While FindNextFile(hFind, @ffd) FindClose hFind End If Print i &" Dateien" GetKey