'= , = , = ; = , =, = , = ,= , =, = 'Tested with FB 0.183b using FBEdit #Include "vbcompat.bi" 'soll sich in [freeBASIC-Dir]\inc befinden Type Punkt As String Titel, Nr As Double y, x End Type Const Pi=4*Atn(1), sfmt="0.000", wfmt="0.0000" Const MenChr=4, Esc=!"\27", AltGrad="" Dim As Double dy, dx, Rho Dim aRho(2) As Double={45, 50, Atn(1)} Dim As Punkt Anfang, Ende Dim As String y, WDim Dim Shared As Integer FG, BG Color 0, 8 BG=HIWord(Color) FG=LOWord(Color) Anfang.Titel="Stand" Ende.Titel="Ziel" 'Width 120, 40 Function MenuChar(byVal c As String) As String Color MenChr Print Chr(c[0]); Color FG Return Mid(c, 2) End Function Function GetKeyPress(byVal Msg As String, byVal Allowed As String, byVal Upper As Integer=-1) As String Var y="", m=Allowed If Upper<>0 Then m=UCase(m) If Msg<>"" Then ?Msg; Do y=Input(1) If Upper<>0 Then y=UCase(y) Loop Until Instr(m, y)<>0 Print y Return y End Function Sub HolePunkt(byRef Welchen As Punkt) With Welchen Print "PunktNummer vom " &.Titel &"punkt(leer=Ende):"; Input .Nr If .Nr<>"" Then Print "Rechtswert von " &.Nr &":";:Input .y Print "Hochwert von " &.Nr &":";:Input .x End If End With End Sub Function Riwi(byVal DeltaY As Double, DeltaX As Double) As Double Dim As Double t=ATan2(Deltay, DeltaX) Return IIF(t<0, t+8*Atn(1), t) End Function Cls Print "Richtungswinkel.Bas V2 25.01.2006 by Dipl.-Ing. Jrg Zhlke, MD" Print "Gewnschten Winkelmodus angeben:" Print MenuChar("Deg(0..360" &AltGrad &"), "); MenuChar("Gon(0..400gon), "); MenuChar("Rad(0..2Pi)") y=GetKeyPress("Was soll's denn werden ?(D, G, R):", "DGR" &Esc) If y=Esc Then Print "Ohne Auswahl eines Winkelmodus kann kein Winkel berechnet werden.."; Print Input(1) Else Rho=aRho(Instr("DGR", y)-1)/Atn(1) End If Do HolePunkt(Anfang) If Anfang.Nr="" Then Exit Do Do HolePunkt(Ende) If Ende.Nr="" Then Exit Do dy=Ende.y-Anfang.y dx=Ende.x-Anfang.x Print "Eingabe\nPunktNr", "Rechtswert", "Hochwert", " s", " t(";WDim;")" Print Ende.Nr, Format(Ende.y, sfmt), Format(Ende.x, sfmt) Print Anfang.Nr, Format(Anfang.y, sfmt), Format(Anfang.x, sfmt), Format(Sqr(dy^2+dx^2), sfmt), Format(Riwi(dy, dx)*Rho, wfmt) Loop Until Ende.Nr="" Loop Until Anfang.Nr=""