'Ä=Ž , Ö=™ , Ü=š ; ä=„ , ö=”, ü= , ß=á ,§=õ , ©=¸ #include "vbcompat.bi" #include "windows.bi" Type SvcRec SvcName As String DispName As String SvcType As String State As String Contd As String W32ExitCode As String SvcExitCode As String ChkPt As String W8Hint As String PId As String Flags As String End Type Declare Sub SaveAll(byVal DateiExt As String, byVal Which As String) Declare Function SkipSpecials(s As String) As String Declare Function Exists(DateiName As String) As Integer Declare Function MenuChar(s As String, First As Integer=1, nVG As Byte=12) As String Declare Sub AnsiToOem Lib "USER32" Alias "CharToOemA" (byVal ANSI As String, byVal ASCII As String) Const MaxServices=200 'or how many you are using.. Dim CurColor(2) As ZString Ptr={@"#d2f6cc", @"white"} Dim Services(MaxServices) As SvcRec Dim Shared As Integer DNr Dim As String SC, s, t, Csv, Htm, m Dim As Integer i=-1, j, Stopped, Running SC=Environ("windir") &"\System32\Sc.Exe" DNr=FreeFile If Not Exists(SC) Then Print "SC.Exe not found or not properly installed ;-))" GetKey End End If Csv="ShowAllServices.Bas ©2008 by ytwinky, MD " &Format(Now, "dd.mm.yyyy, hh:mm:ss") &" am " &Environ("ComputerName") Htm="" Htm+="" Htm+="" Htm+="" Csv+=!"\nlfd.;Display_Name;Service_Name;Status;Prozeß-ID\n" Open Pipe SC &" QueryEx state= all" For Input As DNr While Not Eof(DNr) i+=1 With Services(i) Line Input #DNr, s 'there may be commas in the line, ignore them.. Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .SvcName=SkipSpecials(s) Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .DispName=SkipSpecials(s) Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .SvcType=SkipSpecials(s) Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .State=RTrim(Mid(SkipSpecials(s), 4)) Stopped+=Abs(.State="STOPPED") Running+=Abs(.State="RUNNING") Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .Contd=SkipSpecials(s) Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .W32ExitCode=SkipSpecials(s) Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .SvcExitCode=SkipSpecials(s) Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .ChkPt=SkipSpecials(s) Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .W8Hint=SkipSpecials(s) Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .PId=SkipSpecials(s) Line Input #DNr, s 's.a. .Flags=SkipSpecials(s) t=Str(i+1) If i<99 Then t=" " &t If i<9 Then t=" " &t t+=".;" &.DispName &";" &.SvcName &";" &.State &";" &.PId If .SvcName<>"" Then Csv+=t &!"\n" Htm+="" End If End With Wend Close DNr t=Stopped &" Dienste gestoppt, " &Running &" laufen.." Csv+=t Htm+="
" &Csv &"
" &(i+1) &"." &.DispName &"" &.SvcName &"" &.State &"" &.PId &"
" &t &"
" t=Csv AnsiToOem(t, t) Print t Print "Speichern ("; Print MenuChar("Csv") &", "; Print MenuChar("Htm") &", "; Print MenuChar("N”") &")" Print "Was darf's denn sein?"; Do m=lcase(Input(1)) Loop Until Len(m)=1 Print m If m="c" Then SaveAll("Csv", Csv) If m="h" Then SaveAll("Htm", Htm) End Function SkipSpecials(s As String) As String Return LTrim(Mid(s, 2+IIF(Instr(s, ":")=0, 1, Instr(s, ":")))) End Function Function Exists(DateiName As String) As Integer Dim As Byte Nr, Missing Nr=FreeFile Missing=Open(DateiName For Input As Nr) If Not Missing Then Close Nr Return Missing=0 End Function Function MenuChar(s As String, First As Integer=1, nVG As Byte=12)As String If First<>1 Then Print Left(s, First-1); Color nVG Print Chr(s[First-1]); Color 7 Return Mid(s, First+1) End Function Sub SaveAll(byVal DateiExt As String, byVal Which As String) Dim As String Vorgabe, m Vorgabe=Environ("Tmp") &"\ShowAllServices." &DateiExt Print "Speichern als " &Vorgabe Print "Dateiname eingeben/Vorgabe akzeptieren" Input "Enter beendet die Eingabe:", m If m="" Then m=Vorgabe Open m For OutPut As #DNr Print #DNr,, Which Close #DNr End Sub