'= , = , = ; = , =, = , = ,= , =, = Function yHex(ByVal NoHex As LongInt) As String '2006 by ytwinky, MD Dim As String z=Hex(NoHex) Return *IIF(Len(z) And 1, @"0", @"") &z End Function Print "Dez", "yHex(..)", " Hex(..)" Print 15, yHex(15), " " & Hex(15, 2) Print 255, yHex(255), " " & Hex(255, 2) Print 256, yHex(256), " " & Hex(256, 4) Print 44613, yHex(44613), " " & Hex(44613, 4) Print "2^32-1", yHex(2^32-1), " " & Hex(2^32-1, 8) Print "2^32", yHex(2^32), " " & Hex(2^32, 10) Print "2^53-1", yHex(2^53-1) & " " & Hex(2^53-1, 16) Print "2^53", yHex(2^53) & " " & Hex(2^53, 16) Print "2^54-1", yHex(CLngInt(2^54-1)) & " " & Hex(CLngInt(2^54-1), 32) Print "2^54", yHex(CLngInt(2^54)) & " " & Hex(CLngInt(2^54), 32) Print "Unschwer zu erkennen, da die letzten beiden Werte falsch sein mssen.." Print "..das liegt aber nicht an yHex() ;-)))" Print "(mit dem 2. Parameter von Hex() ist jedoch alles okay..)" Print "Tested with FB 0.21.1 using FBEdit"; GetKey